Health Tips Is It Good To Put Raw Salt In Salad Or Raita

Health Tips Is It Good To Put Raw Salt In Salad Or Raita

Health Tips: In the summer season, if you get a plate of salad and cold raita, it is fun, but the taste of salad and raita is not complete without salt, so people consume it by adding salt on top. But is raw salt bad for your health? Yes, let us tell you that if you also consume it by adding white salt over salad and raita, it can increase your sodium level and can also increase the risk of many diseases.

Disadvantages of eating salt in salad

1. If you put white crystal salt on your salad or raita, it can increase the sodium level. Due to which there can be problems of high blood pressure, sweating and dizziness.

2. By eating raw salt, the amount of calcium in the body also starts decreasing and the bones start getting weak.

3. Adding salt to salad or raita and eating it damages the digestive enzymes and also slows down the digestion process.

4. Not only this, if you eat raw salt on salad or raita daily, it can cause joint pain.

5. If you consume more than one teaspoon of salt daily and also include raw salt in your diet, then you may have problems related to sleep.

Which salt is better to eat in salad or Raita?

Now the question arises that which type of salt should you use in salad or raita? Without salt, the taste of these things will not come, so let us tell you that you can put rock salt or black salt on salad, chaat or raita. Both these salts prevent sodium from rising and also give your dish a salty taste. Apart from this, eating it improves the digestive system. Also, there is no problem of acidity, indigestion and gas.

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